Majority of Americans use standard deductions and generally have simple tax affairs, making tax preparation software the most economical choice. But not everyone has it easy. When you have a long list of itemized deductions, add to that depreciation expenses, it’s challenging to draw the line. This, or when you have multiple income streams, investments, or other factors, is usually when you need a personal tax accountant. Don’t let tax season arrive without you ready. Search for a personal tax accountant near me to find us at Legend Fusions. We are every New Yorker’s tax partner, not just during tax season but year—round! 

Legend Fusions’ Personal Tax Accountant NYC 

Decade Experience

Before going global, we started in the UK under Legend Financial. For over twelve years, we have helped a thousand clients complete their tax returns and solve complex tax cases. Legend Fusions brings the same level of excellence in personal tax accounting services into the US, Canada, and to more jurisdictions soon.

Cross-Border Taxes

Legend Fusions specializes in cross-border taxation, especially assisting Canadians who invest in US properties. Owning a property in the US can be lucrative, but it also means tax surprises and additional requirements. We walk you through your US tax responsibilities and serve as your buffer in case of double taxation or other cases.

Year-Round Support

We do not only offer personal tax preparation services during the tax season, but we are also available all year-round, which means we are here to answer your tax uncertainties every time. Legend Fusions believes in a holistic approach to tax and financial management and instilling confidence in clients about their tax affairs.

Transparent Pricing

It’s crucial to learn about the pricing first before you hire a personal tax advisor. Search for accountants near me for taxes and you will find Legend Fusions that serve New Yorkers at budget-friendly and clear prices. We believe that getting quality tax assistance should not be beyond your means. Ask us for a quote anytime.

Our Personal Tax Services   

1040 Resident Return

If you are a US resident, you use the 1040 Resident Return. Filing is simple and straightforward for employees unless you have itemized deductions, which requires solid understanding of your eligibility and limitations.  

1040 Self-Employed Return 

Running a small business means wearing a lot of hats all at once. Preparing tax returns may consume too much of your time and put you at risk of errors and IRS penalties. Legend Fusions offers end-to-end support. 

1040 Dual Status Return 

Your tax position can easily get complex when you have been both a US resident and non-resident within the tax year. Once you feel unsure how to proceed with your tax returns, Legend Fusions is always here to assist. 

1041 Trust/Estate Tax Return   

If a loved one recently passed away, their estates or trusts are still taxed on any profits. We take this matter off your care if you are appointed as personal representative, as it can easily get complex without expert advice. 

IRS Audit Support   

Getting selected for IRS audits does not immediately mean you have committed errors. It may be by a statistical trend, or you are associated with someone who is audited. Whatever the reason, we offer you confidential audit support.  

Experience Your Smoothest
Tax Season

Prepare your returns earlier and you will thank yourself later. Let’s talk. 

First Advice Is Free!